Emory Stem Cell Core - MAJOR EQUIPMENT
Last Updated: January 22, 2025


Major Equipment for ESCC Users

Updated: 1 July 2022

Emory Stem Cell Core (ESCC) is located in a laboratory located on the 4th floor of the Whitehead Biomedical Research Building, with approximately 200 square feet of dedicated cell culture and wet-lab space and 200 square feet of office space. The ESCC infrastructure includes:

Two ThermoFisher 1300 Series Class II biosafety hoods. The 4 feet safety cabinets provide superior protection for daily culturing of cells with SmartFlow design with digital airflow verification and adjust airflow as filter resistance changes. The installed UV light works as an effective germicide and viricide for daily use.

Four HERACELL VIOS 160I CO2 incubators. These CO2 incubators support a range of culturing needs for optimal cell growth. In-chamber fan gently distributes clean, humidified air throughout the chamber ensuring homogeneous conditions and fast recovery of all parameters in 10 minutes or less for stable culturing conditions. The In-chamber HEPA continuously filters the entire chamber air volume every 60 seconds and the steri-run sterilization feature ensures elimination of all biological contaminants.

Two EVOS XL Core microscopes. The EVOS®XL Core Imaging System is a digital, transmitted light, inverted imaging system for cell and tissue culture applications and routine cell maintenance. These compact systems are kept inside the biosafety cabinets and allow for routine imaging of cells without the worry of contamination from exposure to the environment outside the cabinet. The large LCD screens allow for multiple user viewing and are excellent for training and teaching.

Worthington LS6000 liquid nitrogen dewar with CS100 Automatic Controller. A liquid nitrogen refrigeration system that holds nearly 5000 2 ml cryovials for cryogenic storage of cells. The CS100 controller is a sophisticated automatic level controller that provides standard alarms and stores more than 500,000 events.

ThermoFisher Sovall ST16 centrifuge. A benchtop machine to perform cell culture and blood processing applications with a variety of rotors for 15 ml tubes, 50 ml tubes and microcentrifuge tubes.

Fisher ISOtemo waterbath. A water bath that allows for consistent temperatures and reliability for routine culturing purposes.

Applied Biosystems Countess II FL. A benchtop cell counter equipped with state-of-the-art optics, full autofocus, and image analysis software for rapid assessment of cells in suspension. It comes with three-channel flexibility (brightfield and two optional fluorescence channels) to count cells, monitor fluorescent protein expression, evaluate apoptosis, and measure cell viability.

Invitrogen Qubit Fluorometer. A fluorometer designed to accurately measure DNA, RNA, and protein quantity in less than 3 seconds per sample with high levels of accuracy using only 1-20 ul of sample.

Applied Biosystems SimpliAmp Thermal Cycler. A compact 96 well thermal cycler for essential PCR flow and a veriflex temperature control for 3 zones  with accurate optimization.

Invitrogen E-gel iBase and Safe Imager Electrophoresis system. A electrophoresis system allows for the separation of DNA in 7 minutes and the  transilluminator that allows real-time visualization of the migration of  the DNA in the e-gels. This system replaces the need for staining with ethidium bromide and visualization using UV making it a much safer and more effective way to visualize DNA.

Invitrogen Neon Transfection System. A transfection machine that enables fast and efficient delivery of nucleic acids into all mammalian cell types including primary and stem cells. Unlike standard cuvette-based electroporation chambers, the neon uses biologically compatible pipette tip chamber that generates a more uniform electric field in 10 or 100 ul reactions.

Additional Equipment Access to:

Nikon Eclipse TI Fluorescence Microscope. An inverted motorized microscope for fluorescence imaging of live or fixed cells on slides.

Nikon Biostation IM Microscope. A live cell imaging system that incorporates a microscope, an incubator and CCD camera to provide a stable environment for live cells imaging and simple long term time lapse data acquisition.

Keyence Fluorescence Microscope. A benchtop microscope that captures high-resolution publication quality images without the necessity of a dark room. It accommodates brightfield, fluorescence, and phase contrast observation with a single unit. It supports slides, cell-plates, dishes, and flasks for imaging different samples.

Applied Biosystems QuantiStudio 6 Flex Real Time PCR system. A real time PCR machine with a 96 well block for assays for gene expression, genetic variation, gene regulation, or protein expression experiments.

Biorad  ChemiDoc MP Imaging System. A full feature instrument for imaging and analyzing gels and western blots. It is designed for multiplex fluorescent western blotting, chemiluminescence detection, general gel documentation and stain-free imaging.

Synergy H1 Hybrid Multi-Mode Reader. Synergy™ H1 is a configurable multi-mode microplate reader, with monochromator-based optics for flexibility, filter-based optics for sensitivity, or both. BioTek’s patented Hybrid Technology™ offers applications versatility and excellent performance in a modular platform to expand as your laboratory’s needs change. Synergy H1 now offers continuously variable bandwidth monochromators for fluorescence excitation and emission wavelength selection; the fluorescence bandwidth can be set between 9 nm and 50 nm, in 1 nm increments, allowing users to fully optimize reader settings to drive the best assay performance compared to fixed bandwidth systems.

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