Grant and Manuscript Writing Resources
Last Updated: January 22, 2025

Numerous institutionally initiated and supported faculty development opportunities are available throughout Emory University:

·       The Pediatrics Grant Editing/Manuscript Support Core (GEMS) provides expertise to assist with final editing and of extramural grant applications and/or manuscripts reporting data generated from our pediatric research programs. Highly qualified grant consultants work one-on-one with fellows and junior faculty towards building a research track record and securing extramural funding.

·       Proposal Development Assistance for large grants is provided through the Office of Research with a range of services available.

·       The Emory University Center for Faculty Development and Excellence organizes a faculty writing group called “The Writing Room” that is tailored to a small group of participants and designed to meet their specific needs and preferences. The Center for Faculty Development and Excellence serves as scheduler and convener of this group and facilitates the planning and communication of the current cohort of participants.  

·       The Emory School of Medicine Office of Faculty Development offers a “Peer-Mentoring Manuscript Development Initiative,” connecting junior faculty ready to publish with experienced faculty who can provide the needed guidance and mentoring.

·       The Laney Graduate School at Emory University organizes the “Grant Writing Program” that addresses every stage of grant proposal writing inducing developing fundable project ideas, presenting projects in persuasive ways and tailoring proposals to specific funders. The program is designed so that you can participate in a series of forums and workshops that build on one another and help you to develop your proposal and dissertation project. Workshops and informational sessions are offered throughout the year.

·       The Woodruff Health Sciences Library subscribes to Nature Masterclasses, an online scientific writing course. The masterclass consists of 15 course modules, varying in length from 30 to 75 minutes each, covering the entire scientific publishing process, from planning a paper to getting it published. The modules are taught by editors from the Nature journals and cover topics ranging from "Elements of Writing Style" to "Selecting a Journal for Publication" to "Measuring Impact."

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