NSF Safe and Inclusive Work Environment Template
Last Updated: February 11, 2025

NSF Safe and Inclusive Work Environment 

Plan for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research

 Emory University is committed to addressing harassment and fostering a safe and healthy work environment.  Policies and expectations for proper conduct apply to all staff, faculty and students whether on-campus or working, doing research, or engaging in scholarly activities or study at an off-site location.  

In addition, it is NSF policy to “foster safe and harassment-free environments whenever science is conducted.” (NSF 2023 PAPPG Guide II-E.9].   Grantees are required, effective with proposals submitted 1/30/23 or later, to certify that we have a plan in place that addresses:

  • Abuse of any person, including but not limited to harassment, stalking, bullying or hazing or any kind, whether the behavior is carried out verbally, physically, electronically, or in written form; and
  • Conduct that is unwelcome, offensive, indecent, obscene, or disorderly
  • Emory meets NSF requirements (as well as its own expectations) by using the policies and procedures outlined below, and as further amplified to cover special circumstances as dictated by the PI in the project-specific information shown in this document.    Principal Investigators are responsible for distributing a copy of this plan to each participant in an off-campus or off-site research prior to those individuals leaving campus to participate in the off-campus or off-site activities.  Proposers should not submit this plan to NSF for review.  


    All Emory staff, faculty and student workers are required by University policy to complete the Title IX Online Training course.   In addition, Emory has a robust policy system designed to enforce the expectations for a safe and healthy work environment. The following is a list of applicable Administrative (Institutional) policies. Note that the hyperlinks are publicly accessible and easy to view.  





    NSF Safe and Inclusive Working Environment 

    Plan for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research




    Plan Date or Version (enter date the plan was prepared or updated, or a version number).  Preparer name may also be entered. 


    NSF Grant Number: 


    Principal Investigator Name

    (plus Cell Phone and Email)


    Off-Campus Location 


    Description of off-campus research activity (fieldwork, research activities on vessels or aircraft, work in an off-campus location, etc.)


    Names and titles of individuals who will be working offsite in performance of this project.


    Estimated Departure and Return Dates (begin and end dates of off-campus research).  It is permissible to leave this blank if dates are not yet available.  


    Will participants have regular internet or cell service available?  (If no, what alternate arrangements are in place for participants to report suspected misconduct?) 


    Will participants from other entities (governmental, company, sponsor, educational institutions, subrecipients) be involved?  If yes, are there any special arrangements or guidance participants need to make sure they know they should also report misconduct involving these individuals? 


    Recommended contact for any suspected misbehavior (note: participants remain free to use this contact or any other contact they prefer to report misconduct; more than one contact may be listed).  


    How will these misbehaviors be addressed for personnel working offsite for any portion of this project? (abuse of any person, including but not limited to, harassment, stalking, bullying or hazing of any kind, and any conduct that is unwelcome, offensive, indecent, obscene or disorderly)


    What steps will be taken to nurture an inclusive off-campus or off-site working environment for this project? (examples include: trainings, processes to establish shared definitions of roles and responsibilities, culture, codes of conduct, field support, regular check-ins)


    Describe how you will ensure all affected employees have access to this plan and any relatable resources.


    Any special circumstances that necessitate special plans (e.g., participants are at sea or other remote locations without ability to make contact with University reporting offices; only a single satellite phone is available for the group; there are physical or other barriers that may require special attention to ensure full participation; no local transportation to a safe space is likely to be available; variance in cultural norms might necessitate advance awareness training;).  If yes, what arrangements are in place to manage these special circumstances? 


    Other Comments or Information that participants may find useful. 

    If known, include local police and medical services numbers; for international trips, it is wise to include embassy/consulate contact information if not already provided.   May leave blank if information is not available.




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