Translational Neuroscience Core - MAJOR EQUIPMENT
Last Updated: January 22, 2025


Updated: 1 June 2022


Specific Fields Relevant for Translational Neuroscience Core (TNC) Users



The Translational Neuroscience Core (TNC), one of the Emory Integrated Core Facilities (EICF), is supported by the Department of Neurosurgery and the Emory University School of Medicne. The TNC is located on the 6th floor of the Woodruff Memorial Research Building. The TNC laboratory area includes dedicated office space for administration and management of its resources. It also includes adjacent storage space for its equipment. For procedures performed at Emory University, Emory Division of Animal Resources - DAR - provides facilities, personnel and equipment for animal care.

TNC equipment includes:

OmniPlus/OSM200 Surgical Microscope: Microscope includes integrated 4K Streaming video and 19" Exor Vision LCD Monitor.

Midas Rex™ Legend Stylus® High-Speed Neurosurgical Drill

Sterrad NX Sterilization System: A next-generation low-temperature hydrogen peroxide gas plasma system that offers fast terminal sterilization with a standard 28-minute cycle time and an advanced 38-minute cycle time.  The system can sterilize a wide range of instruments, including single-channel flexible endoscopes, semi-rigid ureteroscopes, power drills, batteries, cameras, light cords, rigid scopes, general surgical instruments, and more. The system provides the flexibility of having dry, packaged, sterile instruments ready when needed.

State-of-the-art Neurosurgical Equipment and Instruments for Spinal Cord Procedures

·         4 complete sets of neurosurgical tools specific for performing laminectomies

·         4 complete sets of spinal platforms designed for spinal cord injections

·         3 microinjector pumps for therapeutics delivery

·         4 external spinal immobilization apparatus

·         Customized injection cannulas for therapeutics delivery

Specialized Neurosurgical Equipment for Brain Procedures

·         Stealth hardware equipment

·         Head frames

·         Manthis catheters and pumps

·         Customized injection cannulas

State-of-the-art Neurosurgical Instruments for Nerve Repair Procedures

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